Diving in Romblon
The dive sites near Romblon are mainly divided into five major island areas, with about 20 dive sites. The macro creatures at house reef of the resort are marine biodiversity. The diversity of small creatures at our house reef is amazing, waiting for you to explore and capture your best memory. Melibe colemani (ghost nudi) 、Tiger nudi、Butterfly nudi、Pikachu nudi、Sheep nudi、Banana nudi、Hairy shrimp、Sushi shrimp、Tiger shrimp、 Bee shrimp、Dragon shrimp、Shell mimic shrimp、Emperor shrimp、Harlequin shrimp、Soft coral shrimp、 Braun’s Pughead Pipefishes、 Ghost Pipefish、Rumengan’s pipe-horse、Pygmy seahorse、Dennis Pygmy seahorse、Gobies、 Blenny、Pink Eye Goby、Hairy Goby、Frogfish、Filefish、Boxer crab、Swimming crab、Sponge crab、Orangutan crab、Candy crab ...and so on can easy be found. Macro creatures can be easily found and photographed at 5~15 meters Romblon附近潛點主要分為五大島嶼區,大約有將近20個潛點,度假村家門口的微距生物豐富,物種主題多元。 老虎美葉、紫邊美葉、雪花美葉、金邊美葉、各式毛毛蝦、各色糠蝦(海蒼蠅)、麒麟魚、幽靈海蛞蝓、粉紅眼Goby、毛Goby、里美豆丁、丹尼斯豆丁、彭氏豆丁、各色海跳蚤、妞妞魚、各種海龍、海馬、皮卡丘、壽司蝦、釉彩臘膜蝦、虎蝦、蜜蜂蝦、小白/紅龍...等等都能找到,讓您驚喜不完快門也按不完。 Logbon Island 也就是Romblon Beach Resort度假村家門口微距生物豐富,物種主題多元。 一整年幾乎風平浪靜走沒幾步路就能輕鬆下水(菲律賓颱風季節除外)微距生物幾乎在5~15米就能輕鬆找到並快樂拍攝。 |